Event Timeline - 16 Aaran Close, Endeavour Hills VIC 3802
First flood event occured. Due to a suspected compromised roof tile, rainwater entered the roof-space and flooded the Kitchen, Dining Room, Lounge Laundry, Bathroom and Bedroom 3. In these rooms, the damage that occured was the following: – Flooring (Laminate Timber, Carpet & Tiling). – Ceilings throughout aforementioned rooms. – Electrical Items (Ceiling Fans). – Blinds. – Furniture. – Cabinetry.
Allianz was called and a claim was made regarding the flood and damages.
Perco attends the premises. They carried out the following works: – Lifted up some of the laminate timber flooring. – Removed fascia off front of kitchen bench. – Made ceiling safe from further collapse. – Setup 4x fans to dry out area which blew ceiling insulation all through the home.
Blue RMS attends premises. They carried out the following works: – Replaced roof tiles. – Temporarily Repaired Ceiling. – Assessed the damaged to prepare for a quote.
Returned home from AirBnb to find fans were still running at the house. None of my furnishings, carpets, etc. had been protected or covered from the insulation dust and particles that were blown around the home from the roof space.
Received a letter from my GP about their concern with my increasing shortness of breath and chest pain. This letter was in relation to health issues I experienced after the drying fans placed in my home by Perco blew insulation debris and dust throughout my home. My GP advised that more suitable accommodation should be organised by Allianz due to these health issues. Allianz ignored this letter and we continued to live in the home.
Blue RMS attends the property to begin rectification works. Scope of works that were carried are outlined in attached document (scope of works): Blue RMS Estimate – SOW
Rectification works were completed by Blue RMS to a very unsatisfactory standard. The issues with their work is as follows: Poor plaster work. Poor paintwork. Faulty Electrical work. Timber Laminate Flooring in Dining Room and Living Room was not installed correctly which led to buckling of the flooring. Ceiling plaster in bathroom was double-skinned (New sheets of plaster were placed over old sheets that had mould). Painted directly over water-stain on ceiling in bedroom 3. Flooring was not removed or repaired in Kitchen, Laundry & Bathroom. Cabinetry in Kitchen, Bathroom and Bedroom 3 was not repaired even though it was swelling after the flood event. See images in next event.
On the 14th February 2020 the second flood event occurs. During this event, the outdoor pavers were ripped up by the water. Water also entered the sub-floor of the dwelling. Videos of flood event occuring below: Video Video_1
Allianz was called and a claim was made regarding the second flood and damages.
CRD prepared a causation report on the property. This is a quote from this report: “5.5.2 The floor levels within the dwelling were observed to be up to 9 mm and 10 mm higher (north-western corner of lounge room and south-western corner of the dwelling (bedroom 2)), and up to 5 mm lower (south-eastern corner of dining area) than the datum point.” The quote above establishes that on this date (30th April 2020) that the dwelling was 9-10mm higher in the north-western corner of the lounge room compared with their datum point. This would be an effect of the water ingress under the home that would have heaved (lifted) the foundations shortly before falling. See later report dated on 11th January 2024 by Rectify, showing that this exact same corner of the property, now has a drop of 20mm. In less than 4 years, the property has dropped ~20mm as a result of compromised foundations. This is a total amount of movement of ~30mm which is what has caused major damage to the structure of the property. 1678899 – Dobbin – Causation Report See aforementioned quote on page 5 of the above report. This evidence proves the starting point of the property’s level and it’s now current level. It is also important to note that the datum point used on both reports are in identical positions.
This is a scope of works provided by Townsend to rectify damages caused by the second flood event. R59796QSOW
The below plumbers report by Project Plus Services outlines that the cracks to the property are caused by ground movement. 1670192_PPS – Plumbing Report
The below is a report from CRD stating that the patio was to be condemned. The report outlines other issues with the home. CRD Supplementary Report
Allianz denies that the damage (cracking) to the home is from the flood event and blames thermal expansion, etc for the damage. This house has never suffered from this kind of damage in all of the time we have lived here until the flood event. Dobbin IDR
This is an engineers report made on 23/01/2023 by Clear Engineering Services. The goal of this report was to investigate the poor workmanship previously carried out by Allianz contractors. This report identifies many issues with the workmanship including non compliance of Australian standards and poorly executed workmanship. Click here to see report.
The below document is a quote from Ambrose Construct to repair the external areas of the home including the paving stones, gutters, patio, etc. Ambrose Construct is a contractor of Allianz Insurance. In my opinion, if Ambrose are providing a quote on behalf of Allianz to repair these issues, they are admitting liability from their previous contractors repairs. Ambrose Construct – Exterior Quote Ambrose Construct – Variation
The following is a quote from Rectify to repair the footings of the dwelling. JC23V145 – 16 Aaran Close Endeavour Hills (1)
The below report by 8 Point Building Inspections outlines evidence of safety hazards, major defects, minor defects and non-compliance throughout the property after works carried out by Allianz contractors. The report also references mould throughout the property. 16 Aaran Close Endeavour Hills 3802 (2)
This report clearly states the patio area has a drainage issue and the underfloor is damp due to this. It also states a further leak elsewhere. We know it’s not the bathroom as this has been cleared by the plumber’s report. Vivid – Forensic Engineering Report
The below report by Ambrose Construct establishes that there are no leaks in any bathroom fittings and that all water ingress is from the roof and sub-floor of the property. This is from water entering the home in areas where it shouldn’t be. This report also referenced mould that was found throughout the property. Leak Location Report 04-12-2023C45B5001 Ambrose Leak detection test (1)
The below is a roof report by Ambrose Construct. This particular report explains that there is no evidence of water ingress in the roof. However, further evidence displays water damage to the eaves and fascia in the patio area of the property. Roof Report Ambrose construct
In this email from Allianz, they express that they are going to move forward with mould remediation. However, nothing ever eventuated in terms of mould remediation. Allianz also refused to share the mould remediation report with me or my chosen builder (Executive Property Consultants – Justin Martin). Contractors met me on-site to discuss the mould remediation but they notified me that the job was too big for them and they left.
An electrician came to the property on the 15th of December 2023 to inspect the exhaust fan in the bathroom. The reason for the visit was to check whether the bathroom ceiling was in fact double skinned by Allianz contractors. The electrician found a new sheet of plaster covering the old/original mould ridden plaster as per the image below. The electrician was supposed to provide a report to Ambrose showing this evidence but I heard no more about this since the electricians visit to the home. The electrician was organised by Ambrose Construct.
The following is a written report from Dr Philip Irwin. His report entails the damage to the subfloor of the home which has lead to a sinking foundation. RectifyPhilIrwin
Justin Martin of Executive Property Consultants sends an email to Allianz expressing his concerns with the property and how he is unable to provide a quote until the underlying issues are rectified (sunken foundation and continual ingress of water). Justin cannot provide a quote on the job because when the house undergoes the lifting process, he cannot predict the further damage that would be done in the process. Allianz is denying that the house has sunk due to the flood event and their poor workmanship. However, reports show that the house was relatively level as of the first flood event and within the space of around 2 years; A subsequent measurement of the perimeter brick work in January 2024 also indicated a gradient toward the front of the building totalling 21mm. See email from Justin to Allianz here See report from Dr Phil Irwin from Rectify here
In the below email, Allianz notifies me that they are going to use another builder as Justin Martin from Executive Property Consultants has not yet provided a quotation. Justin from Executive Property Consultants was my preferred builder and was to be used as per the initial AFCA determination. The reason Justin was unable to provide a firm quotation, is outlined here. Basically, Justin was not comfortable with providing a firm quote until the underlying issues with the property are rectified or at least approved by Allianz. The reason Justin cannot provide a quote is due to the fact he does not know for sure how far the mould goes throughout the home and what further damages would be made to the property if the foundations are lifted and repaired as they should be.
The below is an email from my chosen builder (Justin Martin – Executive Property Consultants) regarding the lack of communication from Allianz. He advised he has barely received any reports or communications from Allianz throughout this whole process. Justin also expresses the issues with the property and his reasons for not being able to provide a firm and final quote.
I spoke with Justin from Executive Property Consultants (my chosen builder) and asked why he had not responded to any of the reports or recent communications from Allianz. Justin then let me know that he hadn’t received any reports or recent communications from Allianz. He wrote the attached letter to explain his position and why he could not, in good faith complete an accurate quotation on the works. See letter from Justin EPC here.
In this email, Allianz states that Justin from EPC (my chosen builder) has failed to provide a quote so they are unable to settle. It has already been made abundantly clear by this point as to why Justin was/is not able to provide a completely accurate quotation. They also state that he has ‘threatened’ them which is absolute nonsense. In this email, Allianz also states that they are awaiting approval of council permits for some of the works. We personally checked with the council and no lodgement of any planning was made with them at all. Please find that email here.
After many months of stalling and non-action, I made an official complaint via Allianz customer service. My complaint was then handled by the very person who is dealing with my insurance claim (Takudzwa Makusha). This is a massive conflict of interest as my complaint involves Takudzwa and his handling of my claim.
The below is a second report by Ambrose Construct. This report explains that the gutters have zero fall which is what is causing a lot of issues with water ingress. This further reinforces the point that the house has moved on it’s foundations and this is why the gutters now have zero fall. There were never any flooding issues in the past before the foundation movement. Ambrose Construct – Roof Report #2 2nd Roof Report_05_02_202499FA2001
A bricklayer was sent by Ambrose Construct (a contractor on behalf of Allianz) to provide a quote on the property. He said he thought he was there to quote and repair a small area of the outdoor pavers. Once he saw the pavers, he explained that they would all need to be removed, leveled correctly and replaced. He explained that currently, water would be funneling it’s way under the subfloor of the home. After his visit, no report or further information was provided from him, Allianz or Ambrose.
This is an engineering report provided by Vivid Engineering. The engineer never turned up on-site so it is unsure how they have come to any of these conclusions without attending the property at this time. Engineers Report 14.02.202496126001 The above report also contradicts their original report found here
I send an email to Brendan Dunne of Allianz advising him of my concerns with the inadequacy of their complaints management. I express that the person whom my complaint is about, should not be the one investigating it. See email to Brendan Dunne here.
These are photos showing the water ingress under the house. The water is entering the subfloor of the house due to the poor workmanship by Allianz contractors on the first claim. The pavers which used to be level were reinstalled by Allianz contractors and are now falling towards the house and under the house.
The images and videos below is a summary of the poor workmanship and further evidence that there is water being directed to the subfloor of the home leading to mould, foundation damage and erosion.
Videos:Up until this day (25th May 2024) we are still in temporary accommodation (Airbnb) since the 5th of December 2023. During this time (nearing 6 months) in temporary accommodation, no works at all have occurred at our property. The property has been continuously barraged with water which is further damaging the property and it’s foundations. The mould situation has also become worse as nothing has been done to rectify it. Furthermore, during this time; we have had to move ourselves and our belongings 5 times to different Airbnb properties (at our own expense). To add, none of our property (furniture, soft furnishings, cabinetry, etc) were never removed from the property by Allianz so I suspect a lot of these items are now infested with mould.